Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fourth Annual Rock Creek Christmas Party

Rock Creek is the street we live on and for the last four years we have been having a Christmas Party that involves food, white elephant gift and usually a late night game of Texas Hold'em. I think our boys are getting old because noone could stay up late anymore playing. Poor guys!!!! I love that we know our neighbors and enjoy most of them, at least the ones that show up for the party. There was a handful of people that I wish showed up but had company party conflicts, oh well next year!!

John and Greg cooking Group Shot

Me and Cathy - Point of reference this is my friend that took me to the hospital when Brinley was born and was apart of the whole thing. From riding in the car at 6 in the morning to telling her to be quiet as I scream to watching Brinley come into this world. Poor thing knows what natural child birth sounds likes and looks like and I am pretty sure she will make sure she gets her epidural! HAHA!!!

Partial Group eating at one table - Thoms opening up their White Elephant Gift

All I have to say is that I am so happy we did not end up with this gift because that means we have to keep up with it for a year and regift it - urrg!!! Yeah John is responsible for making sure it makes it back next year. John is the guy in black behind Greg opening the gift that has been around since year one!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 -Turkey Trot and Family Dinner

This is my favorite holiday, everyone is in a great mood and you don't have the pressure of buying anyone anything. Easter is similar but people are not in the "holiday" spirit like they are at Thanksgiving. Either way, God blessed us with a beautiful day getting a little run in before gorging ourselves with yummy food, all made with love!!! This year was so great it started at 6:30 a.m. with Whitaker waking up saying "terkey trot?, terkey trot?" So we all got bundled up and headed out into the 37 degree weather. There was a great spirit in the air. Gayle and Lisa were the superstars and ran the 8-mile and the rest of us, Greg, Whitaker, Johnny, Katie, Amy, Erica, Stick and Doug all ran the fun run. Whitaker did not last and Greg took him and played and Brinley and I finished the race. She was all snuggled up and took a nap while I ran the 3 miles! Then we hauled it back up the tollway to change and take showers and grab the mashed potatoes and headed back downtown to ML's Studio to have Thanksgiving Dinner and boy what a great time. KK and Jimmy did a great job of setting up the tables! (Jimmy is not in the group picture) Lots of food and fun! We did our traditional go around the group and say one thing we are thankful for and we all did it without any tears. I think some of us where tearing up when Jimmy was talking but we made it through and boy was Russell happy!!! We missed Wesley, but he has a job now, so that is big thanks!

Things I am thankful for:
My Heavenly Father who constantly reminds me in a gracious way I need him on a daily basis.
Family. Our ability to have a "come on in mentality" in our homes. We may not allow for others to truely know what is going on in our lives but either way it is nice to know family is there!
Health for my kids and husband who are all doing well so far through this cold season. Also for Mama and Papa's health, each day is another day that God has given them to us to talk with and treasure the moments.
Friends- This has been such a fun year of getting to know new friends. Someone told me I am in the days when I can pick my friends kids based on what mom's I like and that is so true!! So I have enjoyed both Whitaker's friends and their moms! And also the friendships that have been in my life for a long time!

Pops and ML Group Shot

Ashley James and Rachel Uncle Jimmy and Papa trying to hear what is going on

Groups sitting around watching football - gwynn, elizabeth and mama

Ashley and Bob playing with Brinley

Dave, Lisa and Cheryl Grandmother and Mama with Brinley

Turkey Trot participants

8 milers-damn overachievers! Me and Brinley

Watching more football Brother and Sister - Greg and Gayle

Whitaker watching Mickey Mouse - Russell and Ashley

Overachievers with Whitaker and Brinley

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

This was our Second Annual Spaghetti and Trick or Treat Get Together. Whitaker was a peacock and Brinley was a bumble bee. Sophie was a jeanie (sp?) and James was Batman. This was Whitaker's first Halloween and he got it immediately that you go to a door, knock, say trick or treat and then walk away with candy. At some homes he would then stand there put down his candy bag and use his sign language and his words and say "more, more?". Pretty fun!!! Brinley of course made it till about 7:30 and then thought this was boring so Matt took her back home. Very nice of him! An way it was fun and Sophie and Whitaker had a blast. Thank you KK for the wonderful salad and Grandmother for the cleanup. What a life saver!! That made walking back into the house such a happy occasion.

Sidenote - what is it with people putting out candy in a bowl on the front porch. You know they are home but they don't want to be social, just social enough to put the candy out but not enough for them to have interaction with another human. I find this so weird. Why don't people enjoy seeing the little people enjoy parts of their life that they have already experienced. Where are the smiles that say "oh I remember that" or " oh how cute, when my little boy was that age," or "Yeah, I never got to do that" but with a look that says they wish they could have! Hum...i found this extremely odd and sad.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sophie and Whitaker Playing in the Mud and Making Brownies

On a beautiful afternoon Sophie and Karen came over and I tried to get Sophie to show Whitaker that is was cool to dig in the dirt and to get his hands dirty. She was very successful and I was so excited to see him with dirty hands!!! Then we ate Spaghetti outside and then went inside and cooked brownies, what a fun fall evening! Of course Brinley viewed all this while sucking on her apple and sitting in her high chair. So sweet!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pat Green

CASA had their annual Gala event, with a silent and live auction, both being very exciting. Mark and Dawn invited us to the event. The dress was Cowboy Couture, which meant I had to find some cowboy boots and a bling bling belt! Pat Green was the performer for the event and he did a great job! It was so exciting and fun! His songs are great and everyone had a blast! OH yeah - at the very end Pat threw his picks up in the air and then I crawled on stage and got them. What got into me, not sure but it was sure fun.