Daddy with Creighton ----- Sophie holding little boy, Madison, Brinley, Whitaker and Daddy all looking at the new arrival
Brinley the Big Sister ------ Mommy exhausted after pushing!
Little boy all cozy!
Creighton Walker Williams made his appearance at 4:10 p.m. on Friday. He was two days past his due date and we were debating whether or not to induce, no need too, he showed up on the luckiest day of the century. I had small contractions at 3:30 a.m and by 6 they were a little more intense so we went to hospital. I was so paranoid that this baby would come like Brinley I just wanted to be in a hospital no matter what. We checked in and measured me at 3 cm at 7 a.m. I had a fabulous nurse, Jill, that was convinced this baby's shoulders were stopping his head from coming down, which is why she suggested I try the runner positions to get him to turn. It worked but still took a while. By 2:15 p.m. I was at a 6 so she gave me a bit of potossin(Sp?) and that helped but she upped it a bit more so by 3:15 I was a full 8. That is when the contractions got worse! So by 3:50 I was in full labor. After about 4 big pushs out came a little boy. Of course my first question is why is he not screaming and second is the cord around his neck. After a couple of rubs on the chest from doc he let it rip! Praise the Lord!!
A small sign from God that he is in control, as though I doubt. When we went in for the first sonogram at 12 weeks, the doctor said there was fluid in his kidneys and sent us to a different doc so she could get a better look, high risk Baby Doc. She confirmed there was but nothing we could do right now except come back. Of course we immediately prayed but did not worry knowing God had something in store. She talked to us about it and said that it could be a kink in the tube that allows him to pee but I had a good amount of fluid so that was not a huge concern but when he comes out he might have to have surgery if it does not work it self out. We went back 6 weeks later and everything was fine, great confirmation! But double confirmation that there is not kink in his body that will allow his body to release pee, when he came out and his warm body his the cold room he just started spraying everywhere and he had a ton to spray. Thank you Lord just another little sign that He is in control and that we are blessed to have another little baby.
He weighs in at 6 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. He is bald and very fair skin. Precious little boy! I will post better pictures as soon as I get them today.
Yay, Christy! That is great news. I was wondering if you were ever going to have that baby. I'm sure you were too! I can't wait to see him.
Congratulations, Christy! I was wondering about you and your baby! I'm so impressed that you've already posted pictures AND commentary! Would love to see you soon,
Kristy Kern
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