Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Really...are you kidding me...

Why am I so caught up in this crazy race. I try each day to ask for the Lord to intercept what is taking place. Everytime something comes up about Obama, LA Times, the Rev. Wright, pro-abortion, anti-constitution, socialism, etc...I seize that moment to just talk with God and ask him to use this to open people's eye to see the truth.

I just recall one word...Idiot!! I have never been known for being compassionate and it is shining through right now.
Really? Really?
You want this man who is possibly going to appoint 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices during his term in office?
Do you really want this man who does not take a stand against abortion in office?
Do you want a man who associates with radicals in office?
I feel like I could go on and on but we cannot take what the media is feeding us and just run with it. We must do our own research, we must not be complacent. I don't understand and I guess this is my a person who claims to be a Christian can support this man's decisions, actions, judgement and more importantly his Obama.

All this leads me to another thought another moment of Really?
Ever since I was in high school I have been consumed with the whole idea of the anti-christ. It completely mezmerizes me that people could follow someone who would install such evilness into the country and now I see it. I know Obama is no anti-christ but this is really laying the groundwork for a great illustration of how someone is going to come up and take over our civil rights and take over a country and everyone just be in awe of their doing.
Really? Really?
Too many of us have that mindset of whatever MSNBC says or ABC says is the truth...good try! Why does this make me think of the word - IDIOT!!!! The definition of the word Idiot is an utterly foolish or senseless person. That makes me laugh. I just heard someone call him Inspirational - how is he inspirational!!! Okay I will stop (and write again later) and end with - please don't be an utterly foolish or senseless person also known as an IDIOT!!!

My closing thoughts would be from Chuck Swindoll - Do not be so comfortable or complacent in your Christianity that you do not think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, Christi, I'm right there with you!!...Debra